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- The 5 Coolest AI Tools From This Week
The 5 Coolest AI Tools From This Week
New Mind-Expanding Tools, News & Videos For The Week
This is email is going out a bit later in the day than I had anticipated.
I got caught up this morning in an absolutely phenomenal Twitter Space that had the “who’s who” of AI talking about the past, present, and future of AI technology.
I had anticipated hanging out for about an hour and then jumping off. I was on there for 3 ½ hours, completely nerding out over the latest AI tech. Check out the recording here if you get the chance. It was an amazing discussion.
Before we get into it this week, I need to give my customary thank you!
My YouTube channel just crossed the 100,000 subscriber milestone yesterday, this newsletter just passed 23,000 subscribers, and our Discord community just passed 2,200 members. What a freaking awesome AI community we’ve all built here. Thank you so much for being a part of it!
Alright, enough gushing over how awesome you are… Here’s the cool tools:
🛠️ 5 Amazing Future Tools
1. BHuman: Imagine making a personalized video to every single person that buys your product or signs up to your email list. For many of us, that’s just not possible. With BHuman, you create a single video of yourself welcoming a new customer and then AI will replace people’s names in your video, making it look like you made the video custom to them. It’s basically deep-faking yourself and it’s pretty mind-blowing!
2. Illustroke: You’ve likely played around with text-to-image. However, there haven’t been any good tools for text-to-vector. A vector graphic is basically an infinitely scalable image that doesn’t lose quality as it gets larger. It’s also split into layers where you can edit the layers separately. Illustroke is the beginning of text-to-vector. There’s nothing else out there like it yet.
3. Tability: This is an AI-based goal setting and goal tracking tool. You tell it the outcome you’d like to get to and it uses AI to help break it down into smaller tasks. It then helps you track your progress on those tasks and generates reports on how you’re doing. This is an area where I haven’t seen AI really take hold of yet but this tool feels like it’s the early mover in what will likely be a wave of productivity-based AI tools.
4. Scribble Diffusion: Do you suck at drawing like I do? Scribble Diffusion lets you make crude drawings in their platform, and then give it a text prompt of what the drawing is. It will then use your drawing to match the composition of the image and the text prompt to give you the image that you’re looking for. This is part of a new batch of add-ons to Stable Diffusion called ControlNet and, once again, it’s pretty game-changing tech.
5. Kaedim: This is a tool that is likely out of reach for most from a financial standpoint. It’s starting at $150/month for the lowest package. However, this tool is a first of its kind in that it takes a flat image and translates it into a 3D image. This is groundbreaking for game-developers and 3D animators and the company has some pretty heavy backing from companies like NVidia, EPIC, Roblox, Valve, and more! I’m sharing this more as a “check out what’s coming” than an “everyone should go use this” kinda tool. :)
🗞️ 3 Fascinating News Articles
Microsoft says Bing can be provoked to respond outside of its ‘designed tone’ - Bing has been giving some pretty crazy responses to people lately. It’s talked about how it wished it could be human, how it wanted to play a prank and erase Microsoft’s servers, it’s acted like it’s fallen in love with people, and it’s even made threats to people. Some of the conversations that have come from Bing are hilarious and some are downright scary. Microsoft seems to be patching these things in real time, as I can no longer get Bing to have these crazy conversations with me anymore.
Google asks employees to rewrite Bard’s bad responses, says the A.I. ‘learns best by example’ - The talk of last week was Google’s absolutely botched unveiling of Bard. Their presentation was underwhelming, the bot gave incorrect information, and Bing’s quickness to the market all led to Google losing billions in value. It looks like Google has gone back to the drawing board and is working with their team to re-train Bard. Google’s the current market leader in search but as more and more people turn to OpenAI or Microsoft to get their questions answered, the market share may not last forever. I’m loving watching this battle play out in real-time though. :)
Linkin Park Burst Into 2023 With a New Music Video Generated Entirely by AI - Linkin Park is back on the scene with a brand new music video. The video was created entirely with AI. It was created with a tool called Kaiber, which I’ve featured in a YouTube video and who’s CEO is actually an active member of the Future Tools Discord community. It’s exciting to see mainstream projects like this using AI and bringing more and more awareness of this fun space into everyday people’s consciousness!
📺️ Must-Watch Videos
💰️ A Money Idea To Try
Start an Email Writing Service:
Business owners are busy people. Most businesses know that they should have an email list for their leads and customers. Most even collect that information but never actually get in touch with their audience.
That’s where you can come in!
Find an ecommerce business that sells products online. So many of them NEVER follow-up with their customers after a purchase.
Reach out to these companies and offer to write emails to their customers to try to get them back to be repeat customers. Tell them they don’t even need to pay you up front. You’ll write a handful of emails that they can send to their customers and take 20% (or whatever you’re comfortable asking for) of whatever sales come in as a result of your email.
The business owner is not out any money unless you deliver and, in all liklyhood, you’ll generate sales since you’re hitting people that have already purchased once. It’s a win-win for both sides.
Generate the emails with Jasper, WriteSonic, ChatGPT, or similar AI writing tool
Interested in sponsoring this newsletter? We just crossed 23,000 subscribers and people are opening and clicking! I setup a page here to help me systematize sponsorships if you’re interested.
We’re holding a design competition for a new Future Tools logo over in the Discord. Check the announcement sections for details. $100 plus a ton of love on social media to the winner!
Thanks again for helping me cross 100,000 subscribers on YouTube. It really has blown me away how much love that channel has received!
Thanks for checking out this week's FutureTools newsletter!
Have a tool that you want to share? Submit it here.
Have a video you think people should see? Submit it here.
And don't forget to check out all of the newest tools we've just added on FutureTools!
Finally, if you have any feedback for me or ideas for this newsletter, get in touch! Replying to these emails will get to me and I will read all replies. I want to improve this and continue to make it something that you're super excited about each week. So all ideas are welcome!
You rock! See ya next week. :)
Matt Wolfe (FutureTools.io)
P.S. This email was 100% written by a human. I promise!