Coding just got easier

The AI tools changing the game this week

Hey there! With spooky season upon us, I thought I’d ask ChatGPT for an AI-inspired costume to try out this Halloween. The response? “Represent a neural network by dressing up as a brain with interconnected nodes. Use LED lights to symbolize the flow of information in a neural network.” If you end up rolling with this, 1) best of luck and 2) please send me a picture…

Meanwhile, here are my favorite new AI tools for this week. :)


🛠️ 5 Amazing Future Tools

1. BashSenpai: This ChatGPT-powered terminal assistant helps coders transform written instructions into ready-to-use commands.

How it works: Simply type in a prompt describing your desired piece of code or task (e.g. “Where did I store my backup file?”) and BashSenpai will spit out a command you can run to find it. BashSenpai allows you to stay within your terminal while receiving helpful context with your prompts.

Just for fun: You can even spice up the scripting experience by giving your AI assistant its own persona—options include “angry pirate”, “Donald Trump”, and “little energetic anime girl”. (Pricing: paid—offers free trial)

2. TextCraft AI: This powerful browser extension simplifies the process of creating high-quality emails.

How it works: TextCraft AI drafts polished emails from prompts, summarizes long emails, and quickly sends AI-powered replies to streamline your communication. It ensures that every email is true to your personal voice by tailoring emails to the tone and context of your conversations.

Bonus points: TextCraft AI takes security seriously—it doesn’t use your email data to train its AI model and ensures that your data remains private. (Pricing: paid—offers free trial)

Via TextCraft AI

3. Jumble Journal: Journaling isn’t just a “Dear diary…” thing for heartbroken middle schoolers—it’s a self-care practice that organizes and clarifies your thoughts. Jumble Journal helps you turn journaling into a sustainable daily habit.

How it works: Jumble Journal’s app offers a distraction-free writing environment—perfect for uninterrupted reflection, brainstorming, and self-expression. It comes with a prompt generator, progress tracker, and daily reminders that motivate you to keep up your journaling practice.

Jumble Journal is also working on a “retrospective tooling” feature (coming soon) that analyzes patterns in your journal entries, identifies triggers, and reflects on your thoughts. (Pricing: freemium)

4. DevPromptAi: Looking to elevate your coding-game? DevPromptAi’s free code assistant may be your new best friend.

How it works: DevPromptAi helps boost productivity by debugging your code and offering improvement suggestions. It also explains and documents complex code snippets and algorithms to spare you some serious frustration. If you’re looking for new ways to solve a problem, the tool’s exploratory code writing feature explores alternative solutions to your prompts.

DevPromptAI leverages the powers of OpenAI, so you’ll need a working OpenAI API key to use the app.

Via DevPromptAi

5. Hotshot: There’s real pain in not finding the perfect GIF for your group chat. Luckily, Hotshot’s GIF generator has got your back.

How it works: Hotshot makes crafting the perfect GIF easy—no editing or animation skills required. All you need to do is enter a text prompt. The tool runs on its own AI model that is trained to work alongside Stable Diffusion XL, which makes for high-quality animations.

For developers: Hotshot is releasing an API for developers to access their text-to-GIF model—within their own apps. Hop on the waitlist for fine-tuning or base model interface access. (Pricing: free—still in beta)

Honorable Mention: Adobe Firefly Image 2 is the updated version of Adobe’s text-to-image generator. It boasts improved prompt understanding and more granular controls for users, and the Vector model will allow graphic designers to rapidly generate vector images.

The coolest part about Firefly Image 2? Human images aren’t just accurate—they’re photorealistic. 👇️ 

Via Adobe

🗞️ AI Jobs to Check Out

  • Join Meta as a Research Engineer on their LLM Research team.

  • Explore new frontiers in generative modeling as a Generative AI Engineer at an AI Startup in Stealth Mode 👀.

  • Engineer prompts and optimize LLMs as a Gen AI Lead for information technology provider Cognizant.

  • Make a difference in global healthcare as an AI Innovator at GAIA.

And that’s a wrap! Truth be told, I’m still on the fence about ChatGPT’s neural network costume recommendation…if you have a better AI-inspired idea, shoot me a reply!

—Matt (

Interested in working together on a newsletter sponsorship, YouTube integration, or featured listing on the Future Tools website? I look out for the audience above all else, so I'm pretty picky—but get in touch here and let's see if we can make something happen.

If you haven’t already, be sure to follow me over on X. I like to share news and AI updates as they happen over there. And don't forget to check out all of the newest tools we've just added on Future Tools!

You rock! See ya next week. :)

P.S. This newsletter is 100% written by a human. Okay, maybe 96%.