5 Cool AI Tools & The TLDR in AI This Week

New Mind-Expanding Tools, News & Videos For The Week

Thank you once again for tuning into this week's TLDR of the AI space.

It's been another slow news week, without major announcements from Microsoft, Google, etc. However, I have a strong feeling that the pace will soon pick up as Amazon increasingly moves into the space and Apple is expected to make announcements in the coming months.

Currently, the talk revolves around the rapid progress happening behind the scenes. World leaders are discussing whether we should slow things down, countries are banning ChatGPT, and OpenAI is releasing detailed statements about their approach to safety.

There have been some incredible advancements with self-learning AIs like Auto-GPT, Baby AGI, and the upcoming HuggingGPT and Jarvis from Microsoft. But I'll delve into all of that in a future issue. 🙂

Here's what I've got for you today...

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🛠️ 5 Amazing Future Tools

1. Cheat Layer: Imagine a tool similar to Zapier, Make, or IFTTT, where you can create automations by connecting various tools together. That's what Cheat Layer does (yes, it's a weird name). However, Cheat Layer takes advantage of GPT-4, allowing you to build these automations using natural language. Simply describe what you need to accomplish, and Cheat Layer will construct the automation and establish connections between the tools for you.

2. Wisdom.AI: I recently tweeted about the idea of creating an "AI Board of Advisors" where I could upload podcasts, videos, and other content from renowned entrepreneurs, and then engage in conversations to get advice from their collective wisdom. That's exactly what a platform like WisdomAI enables. By uploading audio, video, and other types of content, the system transcribes everything and makes it all "chattable."

3. Banter AI: Imagine having a phone call with Elon Musk or Steve Jobs directly. Banter AI is trained on the ideas and conversations of over 100 experts and celebrities, as well as their voices. You can engage in real conversations using your voice, and they will respond in their own voices with answers. It feels like you’re having a (somewhat awkward) conversation with them on the phone, just as you would in real life.

4. Segment Anything: Meta's new computer vision tool enables you to upload any image and isolate specific elements within it. The tool can also be applied to video, helping to segment and identify objects in the video. This technology makes computer vision accessible to virtually anyone, and they even offer a free demo that you can try out right now.

5. Koe Recast: This tool is simple yet entertaining. You can take any audio and have it automatically transformed into a different audio style. The example on their website features Mark Zuckerberg's voice being recast as a narrator, a female, and an anime character. You play around with it on a free trial right now.

🗞️ 3 Fascinating Articles / News

  1. Introducing Segment Anything - Meta just released a new computer vision tool. It's open source, and anyone can use it right now. It allows you to segment anything within an image or video. This technology isn't necessarily new, but this is the first time it's been openly available and simple for anyone to use. I'm imagining all the workflows that can be built into this. Being open-source, any AI image tool, stock photo company, video camera company, or individual, no matter how big or small, can quickly and easily leverage the usage of computer vision and segmentation technology.

  2. Google will add GPT-style conversational AI to search - Microsoft beat Google to the punch by adding GPT-4 directly into its Bing search. This caused the biggest spike in new users Bing has ever seen. People have wondered if Google was going to follow suit, knowing that their main revenue model is advertising and that this could negatively impact that revenue stream. Google responded that they absolutely plan to add chat functionality into search. They haven't announced when, but they have announced that it will happen.

  3. OpenAI’s approach to AI safety - Here is the TLDR of their approach: OpenAI believes that learning from real-world use is essential for improvement, and pausing advancements would hinder their ability to progress. They plan to implement age restrictions to limit usage by minors. OpenAI is committed to removing personal information from training data and addressing requests for information deletion. Prioritizing factual accuracy and collaborating with global governance to address safety challenges are also key goals.

📺️ Must-Watch Videos

💰️ A Money Idea To Try

AI Powered Newsletters:

This is a concept that my friend Brad was telling me about on the phone yesterday. Basically, people are creating daily or weekly newsletters based on specific niche topics. They are then using Bing chat or ChatGPT to write the entire newsletter for them (that's not what I'm doing - promise).

With a niche newsletter that's written 99% by AI, you can attract sponsors, promote affiliate products, or, in some cases, even have an exclusive, paid newsletter. Once you start capturing an email list for a specific niche, there are endless ways to monetize. Heck, newsletters like The Hustle and Milk Road both had massive exits after a very short amount of time in existence.


  • Interested in sponsoring this newsletter? We just crossed 61,500 subscribers and people are opening and clicking! Details about sponsorships are available here. Slots are filling quick as I only have one sponsor per week.

  • If you haven’t joined the Discord community yet, there’s always amazing conversations and fun competitions happening in there. We’re about to pass 5,000 members! To celebrate we’re about to announce a big community contest where you can win access to a ton of amazing AI tools! Join up right here.

Thanks for checking out this week's FutureTools newsletter!

Have a tool that you want to share? Submit it here.

And don't forget to check out all of the newest tools we've just added on FutureTools!

Finally, if you have any feedback for me or ideas for this newsletter, get in touch! Replying to these emails will get to me and I will read all replies. I want to improve this and continue to make it something that you're super excited about each week. So all ideas are welcome!

You rock! See ya next week. :)

Matt Wolfe (FutureTools.io)

P.S. This email was 95% written by a human. GPT checked my grammar for me. :)