AI gene editing 🧬

And Claude goes mobile

Happy Friday! Think you have what it takes to sus out AI-generated content? Reddit users are buzzing about how to spot ChatGPT’s writing style through some of its favorite (oddly specific) words and phrases—think "kaleidoscope," “tapestry,” and "in this digital world." I’ll be curious to see if GPT-5 ditches these phrases to sound more human…or if it’ll have its own funky ChatGPTisms.

Have you spotted any ChatGPTisms? Hit reply and let me know!


Profluent Bio

Imagine a world where tweaking your genes is as easy as updating your smartphone’s OS. Thanks to innovations in CRISPR, that future is knocking on our door. 

This week, researchers from Profluent and Stanford University announced a groundbreaking development in gene editing technology. With advanced AI, they've designed a new set of CRISPR models (the strongest genetic editing tool) poised to revolutionize precision medicine. 

Say goodbye to old-school methods. Traditionally, researchers scoured the natural world—hot springs, human gut microbiomes, you name it—to find organisms that might yield new CRISPR systems. This method, while foundational, is slow and resource-intensive. 

Now, generative AI models are leading CRISPR research. 

AI's entrance marks a pivotal shift:

  • AI models, trained on vast arrays of protein and genomic sequences, are now masters at decoding genetic patterns. 

  • Leveraging this data, AI is generating new CRISPR designs that outperform traditional tools, ensuring more precise edits with significantly reduced risks of unintended effects.

The standout star: OpenCRISPR-1. OpenCRISPR is a cutting-edge gene-editing enzyme designed with AI. What sets it apart? It can edit genes efficiently and with fewer errors than traditional tools. Even better, OpenCRISPR-1 is open-sourced, which means individuals, academic labs and companies can experiment with the technology for free.

Why it matters:

Claude Goes Mobile and Introduces Team Plan

Anthropic is officially bringing its beloved chatbot to iOS devices and businesses everywhere. 

The details: Claude, developed by Anthropic, has been a key player in the AI field since its debut. Released in various sizes to suit different needs, these models have been praised for their contextual awareness, multimodality, and accuracy. And now, Anthropic is bringing its impressive technology to mobile and businesses.  

Claude at your fingertips. Previously, accessing Claude required visiting Anthropic’s website or using third-party platforms like Hugging Face. The new app changes the game through direct interaction through mobile devices and features like chat and image analysis, on par with other leading AI apps.

You can now invite your team into the fun. Anthropic's introduction of the Team plan marks a strategic move to cater to group usage:

  • Accessibility: Allows a minimum of five people per group, with each seat costing $30 per month.

  • Enhanced capabilities: Subscribers can perform more chat queries and handle complex, lengthy conversations thanks to a larger context window.

  • Administrative control: Provides groups with more administrative features, suitable for managing both professional and personal settings.

Plan flexibility: Users can toggle between the Pro subscription and the Team plan directly within the app, enhancing flexibility for varied use cases.

Why it matters: With the launch of the mobile app and team plan, Anthropic is catching up with competitors at an unprecedented speed. Watch out Google and OpenAI. đź‘€

Generate Your Website—Launch Your Creation

Coding slowing your web launch down? Want a drag-and-drop interface that lets you design and launch your website quickly and easily? WebWave’s the answer.

Not just another AI website builder, WebWave uses AI to generate an entire website to your specifications but then allows you to further customize with its freeform canvas. No more:

  • Restrictive sections

  • Random, immovable boxes

  • Stiff layouts

Ready to change whatever you want when you want to while designing your website? Create for free now and launch your AI website for 50% off.

Nvidia's ChatRTX Boosts Local AI


Nvidia is significantly expanding the capabilities of ChatRTX, its locally-operated AI chatbot—including support for new AI models like Google's Gemma and more robust voice query functionalities through Whisper AI.

Local processing gets a boost. ChatRTX already stood out by allowing users to run AI directly on their PCs, keeping data processing private and quick. This update takes it further by incorporating:

  • Google's Gemma: Specifically designed for local operations on powerful machines, this model enhances the ability to handle complex queries and data analysis without a hitch.

  • OpenAI's CLIP: Known for its image recognition prowess, CLIP allows ChatRTX users to search and analyze local image data more effectively.

  • Whisper AI: Nvidia’s integration of Whisper AI allows users to interact with their local data through voice commands, simplifying how we access and analyze information. Think: less typing, more talking.

Why it matters: Nvidia is pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI in a personal computing environment, providing tools that enhance security, increase accessibility, and amplify productivity.

Whether you’re a developer, a data scientist, or an AI enthusiast, the new ChatRTX could mean that future PCs can become your personal AI powerhouse.

  • Atlassian launches Rovo, its new AI teammate.

  • Ideogram unveils Pro tier with 12,000 fast-AI image generations per month.

  • From ChatGPT to Gemini: Here’s how AI is rewriting the internet.

  • AI security bill aims to prevent safety breaches of AI models.

  • You can now generate MidJourney images directly on their website.

  • OpenAI announced that memory is now available to Plus users.

How is AI impacting the future of creativity and the workplace? On the latest episode of The Next Wave, we sit down with Pete Huang, founder of The Neuron newsletter, to delve into the intersection of AI, creativity, and its transformational potential on industries like music and entrepreneurship:

I found the perfect AI prompt for everything. Let’s explore together.

And there you have it! Check out Anthropic’s new Claude mobile app and team plan to see how they stack up against ChatGPT. If you try it, let me know your thoughts! 

—Matt (

P.S. This newsletter is 100% written by a human. Okay, maybe 96%.