AI browsing revolution

Plus: Meta's code generator changes the game

Happy Friday! Midjourney just keeps getting better. The launch of its latest image model, Midjourney Niji V6, has the digital art community buzzing—especially anime fans. The new version can turn text prompts into stunning anime visuals. One of the coolest things about Niji V6? It can put text into your pictures (without spelling mistakes).

Arc Search Redesigns Web Browsing

The Browser Company / David Pierce

The way we interact with the internet is changing. This week, The Browser Company released Arc Search, its new AI browser app for iOS. 

How Arc Search works: When you search a query in traditional browsers like Chrome or Safari, they provide a list of links to sift through yourself. But when you tap “Browse for me” in Arc Search, it will conduct a web search for your query and create a website-style overview of the findings—no sifting required.

For example: When I looked up “Matt Wolfe” in Arc Search, it scanned six websites and output a webpage with a concise overview of personal details, some pictures, and a list of recommended links to find out more.

Arc Search isn’t the first to bring AI to search. Let’s take a look at the competition: 

  • Perplexity AI and Copilot (formerly known as Bing Chat) are Arc’s biggest competitors in AI-enhanced search.

  • Both function as chatbots with web access. They provide text answers to your search queries in the style of a conversation.

  • Arc Search doesn’t just provide text answers—it builds customized webpages for every question you ask.

My take: Arc Search might be a double-edged sword.

  • On one hand, it handily summarizes web results and presents information in an easy-to-read, well-designed format.

  • But here’s the catch: When Arc scrapes content directly, publishers lose out on site visits and content creators lose out on views. Less audience engagement → less ad revenue.

  • This disincentivizes both parties from producing and publishing content—and could lead to a decline in quality online content. 

Bottom line: The launch of Arc Search presents a new direction for web browsers: one that combines search engines, browsers, websites, and AI chatbots into a single interface. I'm confident we'll find a middle ground that offers a top-notch user experience while supporting content creation.

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Meta Debuts High-Performing Code Generator

Source: Meta

Meta just released a powerful new code-generation model called Code Llama 70B—doubling down its push for open-source AI.

The details: Code Llama 70B is the largest addition to Meta’s Code Llama family—code-specialized LLMs created by further training Llama 2 on its code-specific datasets. It can create code from other code (or from text prompts) and debug and complete existing code.

  • Code Llama 70B can handle more prompts compared to previous versions, allowing developers work faster. 

  • It outperformed GPT-3.5 on coding benchmarks—and isn’t far behind GPT-4. 

  • Code Llama 70B is freely available on GitHub for both individual and commercial use. 

Meta also released two fine-tuned variants of Code Llama 70B, one specialized in Python and one focused on natural language instructions.

Why it matters: Code Llama 70B is open-source, which means that companies can now deploy a powerful coding model without giving third-party providers control over any proprietary information.

Big picture: With the release of Code Llama 70B, Meta moves one step closer to its goal of developing industry-leading AI models. If Meta succeeds in building open-source models that are on par with GPT-4, it could supercharge the AI industry’s adoption of open-source.

The New Way to Integrate GPTs

This week, OpenAI dropped the GPT Mention feature inside ChatGPT—and it just might change the game for GPTs.

How it works: GPT Mention lets you integrate multiple GPTs into a singular ChatGPT conversation.

  1. Open your ChatGPT Plus account and type in a prompt as you would normally.

  2. Tag any GPT you’ve previously used by typing “@” in your prompt and selecting a GPT from the list.

  3. Once you’ve chosen a GPT, type in another prompt describing what you want it to do. The GPT can access the full context of your previous conversation.

An example: Say you want ChatGPT to explain how photosynthesis works. After typing “How does photosynthesis work”, you can add “@Diagrams” to invoke the Diagrams GPT. Prompt the GPT with “Show me” and you’ll get a diagram explaining the process. 

My takeaway: This is likely OpenAI’s attempt to drum up hype for GPTs: Currently, GPTs only account for 2.7% of ChatGPT’s global traffic. But is it enough to make GPTs more discoverable and popular? We’ll have to wait and see…

P.S. I spent an entire video playing around with GPT Mention. Check it out here.

  • Attending SXSW? Join me at Content Hacker Live, an immersive AI content conference during SXSW. You’ll enjoy AI content training panels and talks, networking with content and marketing geniuses, and an evening event with me. Seats are limited. RSVP here.

  • Google’s Bard can now generate images, powered by Gemini Pro.

  • Google endorsed open-source AI in its new collaboration with Hugging Face.

  • OpenAI and Microsoft are exploring investments in AI robots.

  • The new Morpheus-1 model can induce lucid dreams through sound waves. 

  • AI is notoriously bad at math—but Google DeepMind just landed a breakthrough in solving geometry problems. 

  • Yelp rolled out AI review summaries to help you find the perfect restaurant. 

More important AI news: Dive deeper into this week’s hottest AI news stories (because yes, there are even more) in my latest YouTube video:

AI goes mobile: AI doesn’t have to be confined to your computer. I introduce 21 cool AI smartphone apps in this video:

Deep dive: Curious about how to use Meta’s new Code Llama 70B? Here’s how:

And there you have it! If you try Midjourney’s new Niji V6 model, be sure to let me know how you like it. Just reply to this email! Catch you back here next Wednesday. :)

—Matt (

P.S. This newsletter is 100% written by a human. Okay, maybe 96%.